The Pulham Orchestra | News & Events | Norfolk | Suffolk

News and Events


We can currently accommodate players of around ABRSM grade 5 standard or above in most of our string sections. Players with any concerns about their ability are encouraged to contact us. We do not audition, but will be pleased to advise.

2024 - our 41st season!

PAST EVENT:   Saturday 1st June 2024 at the church of St Mary the Virgin

Spring concert at Pulham St Mary.

'Four Overtures and a Symphony'

We were once again delighted to provide the church's spring concert, this year a light-hearted evening (as the chosen title suggests) revealing the capacity of classical music and its composers to entertain and amuse. 

Our programme included Mendelssohn's ever-popular overture 'Hebrides' (Fingal's Cave), overture 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' (Otto Nicolai), overtures 'Cox and Box', and 'Iolanthe', (Arthur Sullivan), and Symphony No. 104 in D, the last of Haydn's 'London' symphonies.

A look back at our 40th season - and beyond!

'Come and Sing' at Pulham Market 

Saturday 28th October 2023 at St Mary Magdalene Church, Pulham Market.

Despite Covid and an assortment of seasonal ailments, some 30 singers finally took part in the event, forming a remarkably well-balanced chorus, its members enjoying an afternoon of study followed by tea and a 'scratch' performance, all under the baton of Margery Baker and accompanied by The Pulham Orchestra. 

The choral programme featured well known and loved choruses from Brahms' Requiem and Handel's 'Messiah'
and included
Mozart's 'Ave verum corpus' and Mendelssohn's 'Lift thine eyes' (from 'Elijah'). 

A splendid performance of Mozart's 'Et Exsultate Jubilate', (motet for soprano), with former BBC Singer Lindsay Gowers as soloist, allowed singers a delightful, if not well-earned rest!

Our thanks to all who took part - and for several very kind donations.

Proceeds from the event have been donated to the church's heating fund.

'Come and Play' - Tchaikovsky

Sunday 24th September 2023 at Pulham Market

Tchaikovsky's first symphony, 'Winter Daydreams' Op 13, was selected as the major work for the day, another of our popular full day 'open' events. We were delighted that John Stephens, Director of Music with the Inspiration Multi-Academy Trust, once again agreed to take charge. 38 players attended - several instrumental sections were full!  

Concert in Wymondham Abbey - Sat 08.07.23

A well-attended concert at Wymondham Abbey in collaboration with the Wymondham Youth Orchestra 
(Wymondham Youth Music Society), showcasing music in youth and the community. 
Included works by JC Bach, Bizet, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky and Thomas Armstrong.

The British Isles a Musical Tour
The British Isles a Musical Tour
Making Music
Pulham Orchestra

The Pulham Orchestra | News & Events